About Us

Our Mission InfraLab is a multi-disciplinary research group at the University of Michigan dedicated to the investigating the intermingled social and technical aspects of digital media technologies and their implications for society. Our approaches include human-computer interaction; science and technology studies; legal research on politics, laws, and institutions; design research; and more. Our recent work has focusedContinue reading “About Us”


HIGHLIGHT: Our work on “algorithm auditing” (a phrase coined by our lab) was recommended by the Obama White House as one of five research strategies essential to the future of tech in the United States. Our research was cited in Sandvig v. Barr, a case called “a huge win” for the freedom of information and a “majorContinue reading “Projects”


Networks ESC: The Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing at the University of Michigan auditingalgorithms.science The Social Media Collective, Microsoft Research Michigan Interactive & Social Computing (MISC), University of Michigan Center for Social Media Responsibility (CSMR), University of Michigan   Collaborators Social Spaces Group, University of Illinois Auditing Algorithms Research Group, Northeastern University Web UseContinue reading “Partners”


    External Press (Occasionally pasted here as discovered.) Time — Meet the researchers working to make sure artificial intelligence is a force for good Decipher — Supreme Court to Review CFAA for the First Time The Register — Relax, breaking a website’s fine-print doesn’t make you a criminal hacker Government Technology — University of MichiganContinue reading “News”